terça-feira, 25 de janeiro de 2011

Finance and Accounting Vocabulary - Vocabulário Financeiro e Contábil - C

- Capital Asset Pricing Model (CAPM) - A model of equilibrium in financial markets that generates very precise predictions about the structure of returns on risky assets. The CAPM assumes the infinite divisibility of assets, no transaction costs, and no taxes. It also assumes that all investors have a one-period investment horizon, hold the same expectations about asset returns, have mean-variance preferences, and are able to borrow and lend at a risk-free rate of interest.
Resumidamente, CAPM é um modelo de precificação de ativos que busca determinar a taxa de retorno teoricamente apropriada de um ativo em relação a uma carteira de mercado "perfeitamente" diversificada. Leva em consideração a sensibilidade do ativo ao risco de mercado (risco sistêmico), que é representado pelo coeficiente beta. O modelo expurga as variações exógenas para trabalhar a relação entre o ativo e a carteira sem interferências.

- Capital Expenditure - Expenditure by a company which cannot be treated as a cost in calculating its profits. It thus has to be paid for either out of post-tax income, or by raising external finance. Capital expenditure may be on creating new capital goods, or, more often, on buying them from outside suppliers. It also includes the purchase of existing businesses, and of patents and trademarks.
Capital Expenditure nada mais é que o dispêndio realizado com aquisição de ativos fixos.

- Capital Flight - Large-scale and sudden movements of capital from a country, by residents or foreigners. The causes of capital flight include concern with public desorder or persecution leading to personal danger to its owners, possibility of confiscation, drastically increased taxation, or rapid inflation leading to a loss of value by the country's currency.
Capital Flight é o movimento em larga escala de saída de capital de um país, seja este provocado por residentes ou por estrangeiros. Ocorre usualmente quando o recurso está em risco, seja por desordem pública, por risco de confisco, aumento abrupto de taxas, inflação elevada, entre outros fatores que possam vir a provocar perda de seu valor. Na década de 80 até o início dos anos 90, o Brasil viveu uma série de situações dessa natureza, em razão de instabilidade econômica, hiper-inflação e falta de regras claras e transparentes no mercado financeiro.

- Capital Gain - An increase in the value of assets. This is the difference between their present value and the price at which they were purchased. If the general price level is stable, real and nominal capital gains are equal. If there is general inflation of prices, capital assets show real gains only if their prices increase proportionally faster than the general price level, and assets with constant money values suffer real capital losses.
Capital Gain é o ganho registrado pela valorização dos ativos, ou seja, é a diferença entre o valor presente de um ativo e o seu preço de compra.

- Cash - Literally, notes and coin; the word cash is used in economics mostly as a synonym for money in general.
Cash é praticamente sinônimo de dinheiro. É usualmente utilizado como verbo, significando nesse caso "sacar dinheiro".

- Cash Basis - Regime de caixa.

- Cash on Delivery (COD) - Pagamento contra entrega.

- Cash Flow - Cash flow is the amount of cash received less the amount spent by a business or a household for a given accounting period. For a business, this is recorded in a cash flow statement that shows all sources and uses of cash from one period to the next and serves as a measure of the sort-term financial health of the business. A major responsibility of the finance director of any business is to forecast its cash flow, on both current and capital account, and to ensure that the timing of receipts and payments is such that money is always available to meet any payments that have to be made. Discounted Cash Flow is the method of calculating the net present value of a project by adding the present discounted values of all net cash flows at various future dates.
Cash Flow significa fluxo de caixa. Como o próprio nome indica, é o registro das entradas e saídas de recursos, determinando o fluxo do caixa, de forma a se mensurar os excessos e as carências de recursos para se honrar os compromissos. Fluxo de caixa descontado é um método de de cálculo que leva em consideração o tempo, ou seja, traz para valor presente todos os recebíveis e os pagamentos futuros, de acordo com uma taxa pré-determinada que esteja de acordo com as perspectivas de atualização monetária.

- Cash Payment - Pagamento à vista.

- Certificate of Incorporation - see Articles of incorporation (click here)

- Certificate of Origin - A document certifying that a good was produced in a given country. Such certificates are necessary in free-trade areas, where the members do not have uniform external tariffs. They are needed to confine duty-free entry to goods produced in member countries, to avoid goods from non-members being imported to the free-trade area via members with low external tariffs and re-exported to members with higher external tariffs.
Certificado de Origem é o documento que atesta que o produto foi produzido em um determinado país. É necessário para a realização de exportação, visto que é exigido do importador quando do desembaraço da mercadoria.

- Certified Public Accountant (CPA) - Contador Oficialmente Credenciado. No Canadá, são diversas as certificações que credenciam uma pessoa a trabalhar como Accountant. Entre as mais reconhecidas, CA, CPA, CMA e CGA, sendo que cada uma delas tem uma determinada ênfase.

- Chart of Accounts - Plano de contas.

- Checking Account - An account with a US commercial bank (or Canadian Bank) which can be drawn on without notice, in cash or by writing a cheque. Until recently such accounts paid no interests. The UK equivalent is a current account.
No Brasil, utilizamos a mesma nomeclatura do Reino Unido, ou seja, conta corrente.

- Close Corporation - Also named Close Company. A company with very few members. In the UK a close company is one with five or fewer participants or directors, or one where five or fewer participants or directors would be entitled to more than 50 percent of the assets in the event of winding up.
Close Corporation ou Close Company é a sociedade limitada de capital fechado, regida no Brasil pelo contrato social.

- Collection - Cobrança

- Commercial Law - Direito comercial

- Commission - A payment for the servicer of an agent or intermediary in a transaction. This payment can be a fixed amount or an increasing function of the value of the transaction. Commission may be payable by the buyer, the seller, or both; examples of agents working on a commission basis include sales staff, estate agents, stockbrokers and auctioneers.

- Commodity - A standardized good, which is traded in bulk and whose units are interchangeable. Commodities are mostly the output of the primary sector, that is, agriculture and mining, or semi-processed products. Because these goods are standardized, commodity markets can trade spot goods by sample, and can trade in futures and forward contracts in commodities.
Commodity significa mercadoria, e é o termo utilizado, inclusive no Brasil, nas transações comerciais de produtos de origem primária nas bolsas de mercadorias (Commodity Exchange). Usada como referência a produtos em estado bruto, ou com pequeno grau de industrialização, de qualidade padronizada, produzida em grandes quantidades e por diversos produtores. Soft Commodity é o termo que define os produtos em natura, cultivados, como por exemplo algodão, milho, feijão, entre outros. Hard Commodity são os minerais, que dependem de extração, que podem ser estocados sem que haja perda significativa de qualidade e que normalmente são não renováveis.

- Common Share - Also called Common Stock. The equity capital of a US corporation. Holders of common stock are entitled to attend and vote at general meetings, to receive declared dividends, and to receive their share of the residual assets, if any, if the corporation os wound up. Common stock corresponds to ordinary shares in UK companies.
No Brasil, a Common Share é chamada de ação ordinária, ON, que dá direiro a voto ao seu proprietário.
- Compound Interest - The interest on a loan that itself earns interest in later periods, i.e. the interest due each period is added to the amount outstanding.
Compound interest são os juros compostos, ou seja, juros calculados sobre principal e sobre juros sucessivamente pelos períodos.

- Consolidated Accounts - The combined accounts of all the members of a group of companies. Such accounts show the profits and losses, assets, and liabilities of the group as a whole, netting out any transfers of income and any debts between them. The parent companies of groups are required to produce and file consolidated accounts.
Consolidated Accounts é a consolidação dos registros contábeis de todas as empresas de um grupo empresarial. No Brasil, os balanços contábeis exigidos pela CVM para as companhias abertas determinam a publicação do balanço consolidado.

- Copyright - the exclusive right to reproduce artistic, dramatic, literary, or musical work, or to authorize its reproduction by others. Copyright persists for a finite period after the author'r death; it can be sold or inherited. It also extends to films and television, and is one of the main forms of intellectual property rights.
Copyright são os direitos autorais, que tem vigência limitada após a morte do autor.

- Corporate Equity - The net assets of a company after paying all creditors, including debenture and preference shareholders. This is the net amount available for ordinary shareholders. This is the net amount available for ordinary shareholders.
Corporate Equity = Patrimônio Líquido

- Corporate Name - Razão Social

- Correspondent Bank - Banco correspondente no exterior

- Cost-benefit Analysis - the quantification of the total social costs and benefits of a policy or a project, usually in money terms. The costs and benefits concerned include not only direct pecuniary costs and benefits, but also externalities, meaning external effects not traded in markets. These include external costs, for example pollution, noise, and disturbance to wildlife, and external benefits such as reductions in travelling time or traffic accidents. Cost-benefit analysis is often used to compare alternative proposals. If the total social benefits of an activity exceed total social costs this can justify subsidizing projects which are not privately profitable. If the total social costs exceed total social benefits this can justify preventing projects even when thse would be privately profitable.
Cost-benefit analysis é a análise custo x benefício que normalmente é feita para avaliar se um projeto é viável, sob todos os aspectos, considerando inclusive aqueles fatores subjetivos, de difícil mensuração.

- Cost Center - A section of a firm or of an organization that adds to the costs and doesn't generate profits directly, but contributes to the revenues indirectly. Examples include reserach and development, customer service and marketing divisions.
Cost Center = Centro de Custos

- Counter-party - The other party in any transaction. For an exporter, the counter-party is the foreign customer; for a lender, the counter-party is the borrower. In any transaction, conter-party risk is the risk that the other parties may fail tu fulfil their side of any contract or informal bargain. In many markets, market-makers can reduce counter-party risks for both sides by substituting themselves as the counter-party for both outside buyers and sellers. Outsiders are left dealing with 'the market' and do not have to worry about the solvency or honesty of a particular trading partner.
Counter-party é a outra parte em uma transação. Para um exportador, o importador é a outra parte. Em qualquer transação, existe o risco da outra parte não cumprir as cláusulas contratuais. Para minimizar este risco, surgiu a figura do "market-maker", intermediário na transação que minimiza o risco da operação, garantindo a ambas as partes os seus direitos.

- Currency - Another name for money.
Currency = Dinheiro

- Current Assets - Assets turned over frequantly in the course of business. These include cash, debtors and stocks. Current assets are contrasted with fixed assets, which last some years and are depreciated.
Current Assets = Ativo Circulante
Fixed Assets = Ativo Permanente

- Current Liabilities - Debts due to creditors which are payable within the next 12 months. These have to be shown separately in balance sheets from long-term liabilities.
Current Liabilities = Passivo Circulante
Long-term Liabilities = Exigível a longo prazo

- Customs Broker - Despachante aduaneiro

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