sexta-feira, 11 de setembro de 2009

Living abroad - Not all that glitters is gold!

Living abroad can give you a great opportunity to learn about a different culture, open your mind and expand your horizons. Doing it demands that you put yourself on other feet. Sometimes it helps you a lot, but be careful! Sometimes you can find yourself in some strange situations and you must not take some habits to yourself. Let me explain:
Have you ever applauded your MP3 player after hearing a great song? Can you imagine a family, father, mother and children standing up for a while, around the table in the morning, clapping their hands for having pop-ups from the toaster? Are you able to give a big round of applause to your clock-radio every morning? It sounds bizarre, doesn`t it?
Last Thursday I watched "Inglorious Basterds" in a theatre in Toronto. It`s a very great and funny film, probably the best one from Quentin Tarantino. However, the best scene came from the audience, clapping their hands after the end. Were they expecting that Brad Pitt could hear them from across the screen? It`s unbelievable, but it`s true. Doing that is something that nobody needs to learn in any culture. Let me tell you, my friends, not all that glitters is gold, am I right?

quinta-feira, 10 de setembro de 2009

CN Tower

Talvez seja a CN tower um símbolo fálico de Toronto, talvez seja esta a justificativa para tantos gays viverem nessas redondezas. A torre, cuja construção fora concluída em 1975, teve por 32 anos o título de estrutura mais alta do mundo por conta de seus 553 metros de altura. Pode ser vista praticamente de qualquer parte de Toronto, cidade plana e relativamente de poucos prédios, serve como referência de localização, além, é claro, de tornar a vista sempre mais charmosa e atraente.
Lá em cima, abaixo apenas das antenas de comunicação, estão um belo observatório e um restaurante. Interessante ressaltar que uma parte do chão do observatório é de vidro, este capaz de suportar o peso de 14 hipopótamos adultos. A vista é indescritível. Nem mesmo as fotos conseguem transmitir a imensidão do Lake Ontario ou o verde predominante das ruas de Toronto. Passeio imperdível!

quinta-feira, 3 de setembro de 2009

Boys and Girls- What do they learn at first?

Babies can learn very quickly!!!
Boys and girls can have their abilities developed to their fullest potential. Picture these babies!!! What they learn at first usually becomes their most powerfull skill in the future...


terça-feira, 1 de setembro de 2009

When the tigers broke free

"It was just before dawn one miserable morning in black '44; when the forward commander was told to sit tight when he asked that his men be withdrawn.
And the Generals gave thanks as the other ranks held back the enemy tanks for a while. And the Anzio bridgehead was jeld for the price of a few hundred ordinary lives.
And kind old King George sent Mother a note when he heard that father was gone. It was, I recall, in the form of a scroll, with gold leaf and all. And I found it one day in a drawer of old photographs, hidden away. And my eyes still grow damp to remember that his Majestic signed with his own rubber stamp.
It was dark all around, there was frost in the ground, when the tigers broke free. And no one survived from the Royal Fusiliers Company C. They were all left behind, most of them dead, the rest of them dying. And that`s how the High Command took my daddy from me."
When the tigers broke free is a Pink Floyd song, by Roger Waters, describing the death of his father during the second World War.