terça-feira, 30 de novembro de 2010

An Angel in Queens - NY

Jorge Muñoz founded the non-profit An Angel in Queens, an organization that delivers free home-cooked meals in Queens. The food is delivered at the corner of Roosevelt Avenue and 73rd Street in Jackson Heights.

Munoz was born in 1965 in Colombia and his father died in an accident when he was young. Muñoz followed his mother, moving to New York to find work to support the family, obtaining legal residency in 1987, and later becoming a citizen, along with his mother and sister. He has estimated that he has served to more than 70,000 homeless people since 2004.

On August 4, 2010, Munoz was presented with the Presidential Citizens Medal by President Barack Obama, the second-highest civilian honor, behind of the medal of freedom.

If you want to get involved or donate, go to

Um comentário:

Angela Porto disse...

Acho que um dia, não mais que um dia...já fui um "angel in Queens"...Um belo dia de 1994(?) em Queens, arrebanhei todos os ingredientes possíveis para fazer para uns amigos que lá moravam, no desamparo de quem tem saudades da terra mãe e sente a falta do colo, uma 'baciada' de pão de queijo verdadeiro, acompanhado de beringela ao alho. Foi como alimentar famintos e dar 'teto' a 'homeless'.A maior alegria que vi brilhar nos olhos deles. Uma Angela in Queens..